
Meaning and Usage

"riechen" means "to smell" in German. It is used to describe the action of perceiving odors through the nose.

Linguistic Analysis

"riechen" is a verb. It doesn't consist of any recognizable prefixes or suffixes. The word has its origins in the Middle High German "riechen" and Old High German "riechan," which can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic "reukanan."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "riechen" is similar to the English word "to reek," which also relates to the sense of smell, although with a more negative connotation.

Cultural Context

The sense of smell is important in German culture, particularly in relation to food, perfumes, and personal hygiene.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Blumen riechen wunderbar. (The flowers smell wonderful.)
  2. Es riecht nach frisch gebackenem Brot. (It smells like freshly baked bread.)

Memory Tips

Associate "riechen" with the English word "reek" to remember its meaning related to smelling.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Geruch (the smell)
  • duften (to smell fragrant)
  • stinken (to stink)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich rieche (I smell)
  • du riechst (you smell)
  • er/sie/es riecht (he/she/it smells)
  • wir riechen (we smell)
  • ihr riecht (you smell - plural)
  • sie riechen (they smell)