
Meaning and Usage

"Beispiel" in German translates to "example" in English. It is used to illustrate or represent something as a typical instance.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Beispiel" is a compound noun, consisting of the prefix "bei-" meaning "by" or "at" and the noun "Spiel" meaning "play" or "game". Therefore, "Beispiel" can be understood as something that is played out or used to represent something else.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Beispiel" has a clear similarity to its English counterpart "example" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German language and culture, the use of examples is integral to teaching and learning, and "Beispiel" plays a crucial role in this context.

Example Sentences

  1. Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine gut geschriebene Bewerbung.
  2. Lass mich dir ein Beispiel geben, um es zu erklären.

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Beispiel," you can associate it with the phrase "by play," indicating something used as an example.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Fall (case)
  • die Darstellung (representation)
  • die Illustration (illustration)

Gender and Plural

Gender: das Beispiel (neuter) Plural: die Beispiele
