
Meaning and Usage

"Garten" in German translates to "garden" in English. It refers to a piece of land, often attached to a house, where flowers, plants, and vegetables are grown for ornamental or practical purposes.

Linguistic Analysis

"Garten" does not have any prefixes or suffixes. It is a noun and is derived from the Old High German word "gart" which means "enclosure."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Garten" is similar to the English word "garden" in both meaning and pronunciation.

Cultural Context

Gardens are highly valued in German culture, with many people taking pride in maintaining their gardens. It is common for houses in Germany to have a well-tended garden.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Garten blüht im Frühling wunderschön. (The garden blooms beautifully in spring.)
  2. Wir haben einen Gemüsegarten hinter dem Haus. (We have a vegetable garden behind the house.)

Memory Tips

Associate the word "Garten" with the English word "garden" to help remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Blumengarten (flower garden)
  • der Vorgarten (front yard)
  • der Rosengarten (rose garden)
  • die Gartenschau (garden show)

Gender and Plural

Gender: masculine Plural: die Gärten


N/A (Garten is a noun, so it does not have a conjugation)