
Meaning and Usage

"Funktion" in German translates to "function" in English. It is used to describe the purpose or role of something, the operation of a machine or system, or an event's role or purpose.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Funktion" consists of the root "funktion" and the suffix "-ion," which is commonly used in German to form nouns. The word has its origin in Latin, from "functio" meaning "performance" or "execution."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Funktion" is very similar to its English counterpart "function" both in meaning and structure.

Cultural Context

In German, "Funktion" is commonly used in various contexts, such as in technology, mathematics, and organizational structures. It is also used in a more general sense to describe the purpose or role of different elements in a system.

Example Sentences

  • Die Funktion dieses Geräts ist es, Energie zu sparen. (The function of this device is to save energy.)
  • In dieser Firma habe ich die Funktion des Managers. (In this company, I have the function of the manager.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Funktion" with the English word "function" to help remember its meaning and usage. Additionally, thinking of contexts in which the word is commonly used, such as technology or organizational roles, can aid in retention.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Zweck (purpose), Aufgabe (task), Rolle (role)
  • Antonyms: Unordnung (disorder), Chaos (chaos)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: Funktionen

Conjugation (for verbs)

Since "Funktion" is a noun, it does not have a verb conjugation.