
Meaning and Usage

"Verboten" is an adjective in German that means "forbidden" or "prohibited." It is used to indicate that something is not allowed or is off-limits.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "verboten" consists of the prefix "ver-" meaning "for-," and "boten" which is the past participle of the verb "bieten" (to offer). The word can be traced back to the Middle High German "verbieten," which means "to forbid."

Comparisons between German and English

"Verboten" in German directly translates to "forbidden" in English. Both words indicate that something is not allowed or permitted.

Cultural Context

The word "verboten" is commonly used in signs, rules, and regulations to indicate that certain actions or behavior are not permitted in a specific area or context.

Example Sentences

  • Das Betreten des Geländes ist verboten. (Entry to the premises is forbidden.)
  • Rauchen ist hier verboten. (Smoking is prohibited here.)

Memory Tips

Think of the word "verboten" as "for-bitten," where "bitten" is a similar sounding word to "bidden" and can help you remember that it means "forbidden."

Additional Vocabulary

  • untersagt (forbidden)
  • nicht erlaubt (not allowed)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)