
Meaning and Usage

"Entschuldigen" means "to excuse" or "to apologize" in German. It is used to ask for forgiveness or to make an excuse for something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "entschuldigen" is a verb in its infinitive form. It is a combination of the prefix "ent-" (indicating reversal or undoing) and the root "schuld" (meaning guilt or fault), and the suffix "-igen" (common for forming verbs in German).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "entschuldigen" translates to "to excuse" or "to apologize" in English. Both languages share the meaning of the word, but the structure differs slightly.

Cultural Context

In German culture, politeness and apologizing are highly valued. Using "entschuldigen" appropriately is important in social interactions and shows respect for others.

Example Sentences

  • Entschuldigen Sie, wo ist die Toilette? (Excuse me, where is the restroom?)
  • Es tut mir leid, ich muss wirklich gehen, ich muss mich entschuldigen. (I'm sorry, I really have to go, I have to excuse myself.)

Memory Tips

Associate "entschuldigen" with the English word "excuse," as they have a similar meaning, and focus on the "schuld" part, which relates to "fault" or "guilt."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Entschuldigung (f) - the apology
  • Entschuldigung - excuse me/pardon me
  • Entschuldigt - excuse/apologize (imperative form)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich entschuldige (I excuse/apologize)
  • du entschuldigst (you excuse/apologize)
  • er/sie/es entschuldigt (he/she/it excuses/apologizes)
  • wir entschuldigen (we excuse/apologize)
  • ihr entschuldigt (you all excuse/apologize)
  • sie entschuldigen (they excuse/apologize)
  • Sie entschuldigen (you formal excuse/apologize)