
Meaning and Usage

"nach" has multiple meanings in German, including "after," "to," or "towards." It is used as a preposition to indicate temporal or spatial relations.

Linguistic Analysis

"nach" is a preposition in German and can also function as an adverb. It evolved from the Middle High German word "nach" and has roots in the Proto-Germanic word "nē."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "nach" has several meanings and usages, akin to the English prepositions "after," "to," or "towards," and is used in similar contexts to indicate temporal or spatial relations.

Cultural Context

"nach" is integral to expressing directions, destinations, and time-related sequences in German, reflecting the country's focus on precision and accuracy in communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir gehen nach Hause. (We're going home.)
  2. Das Konzert beginnt nach zwei Stunden. (The concert starts after two hours.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "nach," think of the English phrase "go after" and its association with direction or temporal sequence.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related words: nachdem (after), nachher (afterwards)
  • Synonyms: zu, in Richtung (to, towards)
  • Antonyms: vor, vorher (before, beforehand)