
Meaning and Usage

"Betreiben" in German means "to operate" or "to run" and is often used in the context of operating a business or running a particular activity or facility.

Linguistic Analysis

"Betreiben" is a regular verb in German. It is formed from the prefix "be-" and the root "treiben". The prefix "be-" can indicate intensification or completion of an action. The root "treiben" means "to drive" or "to propel", which gives the verb "betreiben" the sense of actively carrying out or driving something.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "betreiben" corresponds to the English verbs "to operate" or "to run" in the sense of managing or functioning something.

Cultural Context

In a business context, "betreiben" can refer to operating a business, carrying out activities, or running a facility. It is a common verb used in administrative and entrepreneurial contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie betreiben ein Restaurant in der Innenstadt.
  2. Der Verein betreibt aktiven Umweltschutz.
  3. Er betreibt regelmäßig Sport.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "betreiben", you can associate it with the idea of actively "driving" or "propelling" something forward, such as a business or an activity.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Betreibung (noun) - the operation
  • betriebsam (adjective) - bustling, busy
  • die Betriebsleitung (noun) - the management

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich betreibe (I operate)
  • du betreibst (you operate)
  • er/sie/es betreibt (he/she/it operates)
  • wir betreiben (we operate)
  • ihr betreibt (you operate)
  • sie/Sie betreiben (they/you operate)