
Meaning and Usage

An "Atom" in German refers to the basic unit of a chemical element. It is commonly used in the context of physics, chemistry, and general scientific discussions.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Atom" has its origin in the ancient Greek term "atomos," which means "indivisible." In German, it remains unchanged in its singular and plural form.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "atom" in both German and English is nearly identical, reflecting the shared roots of the languages.

Cultural Context

The concept of the atom has deep roots in German scientific history, particularly with the achievements of German physicists and chemists in understanding the structure and behavior of atoms.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Atom besteht aus einem Kern und Elektronen.
  2. Die Theorie des Atoms wurde im 19. Jahrhundert entwickelt.

Memory Tips

Associate the word "Atom" with its significance in the field of science, particularly in the context of atomic structure and chemistry.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Molekül (molecule)
  • Kern (nucleus)
  • Proton (proton)
  • Elektron (electron)

Gender and Plural

Noun: das Atom (neuter), die Atome (plural)


Not applicable, as "Atom" is a noun and does not have a conjugated form.