
Meaning and Usage

"Rechts" is the German word for "right" as in the opposite of left. It can also mean "right" as in a legal or political context.

Linguistic Analysis

"Rechts" is an adverb and also an adjective. It does not have a prefix or suffix and is derived from the Middle High German word "rehts."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "rechts" in German is similar to the English word "right" in both its directional and legal meanings.

Cultural Context

In a political context, "rechts" in German can refer to right-wing political parties or ideologies, which may have different connotations compared to its English counterpart.

Example Sentences

  1. Gehe nach rechts und dann die Treppe hoch. (Go to the right and then up the stairs.)
  2. Er arbeitet in einer rechtsanwaltlichen Kanzlei. (He works at a law firm.)

Memory Tips

Associate "rechts" with the English word "right" to remember its meaning. For the political context, think of the right-wing political spectrum.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Rechtsextremismus (right-wing extremism)
  • Recht haben (to be right)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Rechts" is not a noun, so it does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Since "rechts" is not a verb, it does not have conjugations.