
Meaning and Usage

"Eilig" in German means "hurried" or "urgent". It is used to describe something that needs to be done quickly or in a rush.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "eilig" is an adjective in German. It doesn't have any prefix, root, or suffix, and its etymology is derived from the Middle High German "īlīch" and Old High German "īlīh".

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "hurried" can be a close counterpart to "eilig", although the usage and specific connotations may differ.

Cultural Context

In German culture, being on time is highly valued, so the concept of "eilig" is often emphasized in various contexts such as transportation, appointments, and work-related matters.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Paket muss eilig verschickt werden. (The package needs to be sent hurriedly.)

  2. Sie hatte eilige Angelegenheiten zu erledigen. (She had urgent matters to attend to.)

Memory Tips

Associate "eilig" with the English phrase "I-need-to-go-quickly", to remember its meaning of "hurried" or "urgent".

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: dringend, hastig (urgent, hasty)
  • Antonyms: entspannt, gemächlich (relaxed, leisurely)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As "eilig" is an adjective, it doesn't have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)