
Meaning and Usage

Insekt translates to "insect" in English. It refers to small arthropod animals with six legs and, often, wings.

Linguistic Analysis

The word Insekt comes from the Latin word "insectum," which means "cut into sections." In German, the word is a neuter noun.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "insekt" in German is closely related to its English counterpart "insect."

Cultural Context

Insects play a significant role in German culture, from scientific studies to folklore and nature conservation efforts.

Example Sentences

  1. Viele Insekten fliegen im Sommer umher. (Many insects fly around in the summer.)
  2. Das Insekt hat sechs Beine. (The insect has six legs.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word, associate it with the English word "insect" and the characteristic of having six legs.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Ameise (ant)
  • der Schmetterling (butterfly)
  • die Biene (bee)

Gender and Plural

Gender: neuter
Plural: die Insekten


N/A (Insekt is a noun)