
Meaning and Usage

"Erinnern" in German means "to remember" or "to remind." It is used to express the action of recalling something from the past or to remind someone of something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erinnern" is a verb and is derived from the prefix "er-" and the root "innern." The prefix "er-" often indicates a completion or repetition of an action, and the root "innern" is related to the concept of inner or internal. This verb is regular in its conjugation.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "erinnern" is similar in meaning to the English word "to remember." However, the German word also carries the additional meaning of "to remind" which is not present in the English counterpart.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the act of remembering is highly valued, and the word "erinnern" can often be used in historical and cultural contexts, especially when discussing significant events or commemorations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich erinnere mich gern an unsere schönen Urlaubstage. (I like to remember our beautiful vacation days.)
  2. Kannst du mich morgen daran erinnern, meine Mutter anzurufen? (Can you remind me tomorrow to call my mother?)

Memory Tips

Associate "erinnern" with the English word "remember" and its additional meaning of "remind" to help remember its dual usage in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Erinnerung (noun) - memory
  • sich erinnern an (phrasal verb) - to remember
  • vergessen (verb) - to forget

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich erinnere (I remember)
  • du erinnerst (you remember)
  • er/sie/es erinnert (he/she/it remembers)
  • wir erinnern (we remember)
  • ihr erinnert (you [plural] remember)
  • sie erinnern (they remember)