
Meaning and Usage

The German word "ergeben" can be translated to "result in" or "yield" in English. It is commonly used to describe a situation or action that leads to a specific outcome or consequence.

Linguistic Analysis

"Ergeben" is a verb and can be broken down into the prefix "er-" and the root "geben." The prefix "er-" can denote a result or conclusion, and "geben" means "to give." Therefore, "ergeben" can be understood as "to give a result" or "to yield."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "yield" in English can be a good parallel to the word "ergeben" in German, as both refer to producing or giving a result.

Cultural Context

The word "ergeben" is commonly used in various contexts, such as in academic or scientific discussions when referring to the outcome of an experiment or study. It is also used in everyday language to express the consequence of certain actions.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Untersuchung hat ergeben, dass...

    • The investigation has shown that...
  2. Seine Handlungen ergeben keinen Sinn.

    • His actions do not make sense.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "ergeben," think of it as "giving a result" or "yielding."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: führen zu (lead to), resultieren in (result in), zur Folge haben (to entail)
  • Antonyms: verhindern (prevent), aufhalten (halt), stoppen (stop)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich ergebe (I yield)
  • du ergibst (you yield)
  • er/sie/es ergibt (he/she/it yields)
  • wir ergeben (we yield)
  • ihr ergibt (you yield)
  • sie ergeben (they yield)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)