
Meaning and Usage

"Rekord" in German translates to "record" in English. It is used to refer to an achievement or accomplishment that sets a new standard or surpasses existing ones. It can also be used in the context of sports or music to denote the best performance or highest achievement.

Linguistic Analysis

"Rekord" is a noun and does not have any prefixes or suffixes. It is derived from the Middle High German word "reckort," which originally meant "report" or "narrative."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Rekord" is similar to its English counterpart "record" in both meaning and usage. Both words refer to an achievement or best performance in a certain area.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, breaking a "Rekord" is often highly celebrated, whether it is in sports, music, or any other competitive field. It signifies excellence and often garners public attention.

Example Sentences

  1. Er hat einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt. (He set a new record.)
  2. Der Rekord für die längste Zeit ohne Schlaf wurde gebrochen. (The record for the longest time without sleep was broken.)

Memory Tips

To remember "Rekord," think of it as "recording" a remarkable achievement or performance, as in making a record of it.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Bestleistung (superlative performance)
  • übertreffen (to surpass)
  • der Rekordhalter (record holder)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: masculine Plural: die Rekorde

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A (since "Rekord" is a noun)