
Meaning and Usage

"Ankommen" means "to arrive" or "to reach" in German. It is used to describe the action of reaching a destination or arriving at a specific place.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "ankommen" is a verb and is composed of the prefix "an-" meaning "at" or "to" and the root "kommen" meaning "to come." The combination emphasizes the action of coming to a specific place or destination.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "ankommen" directly corresponds to the English verb "to arrive." Both words are used to express the action of reaching a destination.

Cultural Context

"Ankommen" is not only used to indicate physical arrival but can also be used in a figurative sense, such as "in einer Situation ankommen" (to arrive in a situation), meaning to find oneself in a certain situation or to adapt to it.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Zug wird um 10 Uhr ankommen. (The train will arrive at 10 o'clock.)
  2. Ich bin endlich zu Hause angekommen. (I have finally arrived home.)
  3. Sie wird morgen in München ankommen. (She will arrive in Munich tomorrow.)

Memory Tips

"Ankommen" can be remembered by associating the prefix "an-" with "arrive" in English, emphasizing the action of arriving at a specific place.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Ankunft (feminine, plural: die Ankünfte) - arrival/arrival(s)
  • Das Ankommen (neuter) - arrival/arriving

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich komme an (I arrive)
  • Du kommst an (You arrive)
  • Er/sie/es kommt an (He/she/it arrives)
  • Wir kommen an (We arrive)
  • Ihr kommt an (You [pl.] arrive)
  • Sie kommen an (They arrive)