
Meaning and Usage

"Vorbereiten" in German means "to prepare" or "to get ready." It is used to describe the action of making arrangements or taking the necessary steps in advance of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Vorbereiten" is a verb in German. It is a combination of the prefix "vor-" meaning "before" and the root "bereiten" meaning "to prepare." The suffix "-en" indicates that it is an infinitive form of the verb. The word's etymology comes from the Middle High German "bereiten," which means "to prepare," and the prefix "vor-," which means "before."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "vorbereiten" directly translates to "prepare" in English, and both words share a similar root and meaning.

Cultural Context

The concept of being well-prepared and taking the necessary steps in advance is highly valued in German culture, whether it pertains to work, events, or everyday life.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss das Abendessen vorbereiten. (I have to prepare the dinner.)
  2. Sie bereitet sich auf die Prüfung vor. (She is preparing for the exam.)
  3. Wir bereiten uns auf den Urlaub vor. (We are getting ready for the vacation.)

Memory Tips

Associate "vorbereiten" with the English word "prepare" and remember that the prefix "vor-" indicates doing something "before," making it a useful tool for recalling the word's meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Vorbereitung (noun) - preparation
  • vorbereitet (adjective) - prepared
  • unvorbereitet (adjective) - unprepared
  • vorbereiten auf (phrasal verb) - to prepare for

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich bereite vor (I prepare)
  • du bereitest vor (you prepare)
  • er/sie/es bereitet vor (he/she/it prepares)
  • wir bereiten vor (we prepare)
  • ihr bereitet vor (you (pl.) prepare)
  • sie bereiten vor (they prepare)