
Meaning and Usage

"Fehl" is a prefix in German which denotes a lack or absence of something. It is commonly used in combination with other words to form compound nouns or adjectives. For example, "Fehlverhalten" (misconduct) or "fehlend" (missing).

Linguistic Analysis

"Fehl" is a prefix derived from Middle High German and Old High German. It is used to express negation or absence of something, and it is often combined with other words to form new words with a specific meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The prefix "fehl-" has a similar function to the English prefix "mis-" or "dis-", which also indicate a lack or absence of something.

Cultural Context

The use of "fehl" as a prefix is an integral part of German word formation and is commonly encountered in various contexts, particularly in technical or specialized vocabulary.

Example Sentences

  1. Sein Fehlverhalten hat zu Konsequenzen geführt. (His misconduct has led to consequences.)
  2. Die fehlenden Informationen erschweren die Planung. (The missing information complicates the planning.)

Memory Tips

Associate "fehl" with the concept of absence or lack. Form mental connections with words that start with "fehl-" to remember its negating or lacking meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Fehlverhalten (misconduct)
  • Fehltritt (misstep)
  • Fehlfunktion (malfunction)
  • Fehleinschätzung (misjudgment)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As a prefix, "Fehl-" does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As a prefix, "Fehl-" is not conjugated, but it is combined with verbs to create new words with the prefix "Fehl-".