
Meaning and Usage

"beginnen" means "to begin" or "to start" in English. It is used to indicate the start of an action or event.

Linguistic Analysis

"Beginnen" is a verb and it is derived from the Germanic word "biginnan." It is a regular verb, following the standard conjugation patterns for regular verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "beginnen" has a direct counterpart in English, which is "begin." The meaning and usage are very similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In German culture, punctuality is highly valued. Therefore, knowing how to use "beginnen" in the right context is essential, especially in professional and formal settings.

Example Sentences

  • Ich werde morgen mit dem Training beginnen. (I will start with the training tomorrow.)
  • Das Konzert beginnt um 19 Uhr. (The concert starts at 7 pm.)

Memory Tips

Associate "beginnen" with the English word "begin" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Anfang (the beginning)
  • Die Start (the start)
  • Starten (to start)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich beginne (I begin)
  • du beginnst (you begin)
  • er/sie/es beginnt (he/she/it begins)
  • wir beginnen (we begin)
  • ihr beginnt (you begin)
  • sie beginnen (they begin)