
Meaning and Usage

"Besetzt" in German translates to "occupied" or "busy" in English. It is used to describe something that is taken, filled, or engaged, such as a seat, a room, a phone line, or a schedule slot.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "besetzt" is the past participle of the verb "besetzen," which is formed with the prefix "be-" indicating a completion or covering and the root "setzen" meaning "to set" or "to put."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "besetzt" in German directly translates to "occupied" in English, showing a clear similarity in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, it is common courtesy to indicate that a seat or a room is "besetzt" by placing an item on the seat or leaving the door closed. This signals to others that the space is already taken.

Example Sentences

  • Der Tisch ist besetzt. (The table is occupied.)
  • Alle Linien sind besetzt. (All lines are busy.)

Memory Tips

Associate "besetzt" with the English word "busy" to help remember its meaning as occupied or engaged.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: belegt (occupied), vergeben (taken)
  • Antonyms: frei (free), leer (empty)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: Not applicable (besetzt is an adjective) Plural: besetzt (no change)

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense of the verb "besetzen":

  • ich besetze (I occupy)
  • du besetzt (you occupy)
  • er/sie/es besetzt (he/she/it occupies)
  • wir besetzen (we occupy)
  • ihr besetzt (you all occupy)
  • sie besetzen (they occupy)