die Vorwahl

Meaning and Usage

Die Vorwahl in German refers to the area code used for dialing phone numbers in a specific geographic area. It is also used to refer to the process of dialing the area code before the actual phone number.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Vorwahl" is a compound noun in German, consisting of the elements "vor" (before) and "Wahl" (choice/selection). It literally translates to "before choice/selection," which reflects its usage in dialing the area code before selecting the specific number.

Comparisons between German and English

Similar to English, "Vorwahl" specifically refers to the area code in a phone number. Its literal translation, "before choice/selection," reveals the process of selecting the area code before dialing the phone number, reflecting the similar concept in both languages.

Cultural Context

In Germany, area codes play a significant role in identifying the geographic location of a phone number. Knowing the Vorwahl helps to determine the general area a phone number is associated with.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Vorwahl für Berlin ist 030. (The area code for Berlin is 030.)
  2. Vergiss nicht, die Vorwahl einzugeben, bevor du die Nummer wählst. (Don't forget to dial the area code before dialing the number.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Vorwahl" with the idea of "choosing before," as in choosing the area code before dialing the phone number.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Telefonnummer (phone number)
  • Die Landesvorwahl (country code)
  • Die Ortsvorwahl (local area code)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine (die); Plural: die Vorwahlen

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable.