
Meaning and Usage

"Lustig" in German translates to "funny" or "happy" in English. It is commonly used to describe something that is amusing or enjoyable, or to express a lighthearted and cheerful mood.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "lustig" does not contain any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German "lustec," which means lively or merry.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "lustig" is similar in meaning to the English word "funny" but can also encompass the sense of happiness and cheerfulness.

Cultural Context

In German culture, humor and lightheartedness are valued, and the word "lustig" is commonly used to describe things that bring joy or amusement.

Example Sentences

  • Das ist wirklich lustig! (That is really funny!)
  • Sie ist immer so lustig. (She is always so cheerful.)

Memory Tips

Associate "lustig" with the English word "lusty," which also conveys a sense of joy and liveliness.

Additional Vocabulary

  • fröhlich (cheerful)
  • komisch (odd, funny)
  • amüsant (amusing)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Lustig" is not a noun, but an adjective, so it does not have a gender or a plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As an adjective, "lustig" does not have a conjugated form.