
Meaning and Usage

"Meile" in German refers to a unit of measure equivalent to a mile in English. It is commonly used to measure distance, especially in historical contexts.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Meile" comes from the Old High German "milia," which is derived from the Latin word "milia passuum," meaning "a thousand paces." It is a feminine noun in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Meile" is directly related to the English word "mile," both originating from the Latin "milia passuum." The meaning and usage are similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In the past, the German "Meile" was used as a unit of length across German-speaking regions, but it has been largely replaced by the metric system. However, it still appears in historical and traditional contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Stadt liegt etwa 10 Meilen von hier entfernt.
  2. In alten Zeiten wurde die Reisedauer oft in Meilen gemessen.

Memory Tips

Associate "Meile" with the English word "mile" to remember its meaning as a unit of distance measurement.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Kilometer (kilometer)
  • Entfernung (distance)
  • Strecke (route)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: feminine
  • Plural: die Meilen

Conjugation (for verbs)