
Meaning and Usage

"Müssen" translates to "must" or "have to" in German, indicating an obligation or necessity to do something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "müssen" is a modal verb, and it is derived from the Old High German "muozan." It has the same root as the English word "must."

Comparisons between German and English

"Müssen" serves the same function as "must" in English, expressing a strong necessity or obligation to perform an action.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss heute noch einkaufen gehen. (I have to go shopping today.)
  2. Du musst die Hausaufgaben machen. (You must do the homework.)

Memory Tips

Connect "müssen" with "must" in English to recall its meaning and use as a modal verb indicating necessity.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense: ich muss, du musst, er/sie/es muss, wir müssen, ihr müsst, sie müssen Past tense: ich musste, du musstest, er/sie/es musste, wir mussten, ihr musstet, sie mussten