
Meaning and Usage

"wiederum" means "again" or "on the other hand" in German. It is used to indicate repetition or contrast in a sentence.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "wiederum" is composed of the prefix "wieder-" which means "again" and the suffix "-um." Its etymology can be traced back to Middle High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "wiederum" has a similar meaning to the English word "again," but it can also be used to express the idea of "on the other hand," which is not directly equivalent in English.

Cultural Context

In German, "wiederum" is commonly used in both spoken and written language to indicate repetition or contrast in arguments or text.

Example Sentences

  1. Er hat wiederum sein Versprechen gebrochen. (He has broken his promise again.)
  2. Die Situation ist wiederum komplizierter als gedacht. (The situation is, on the other hand, more complicated than anticipated.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wiederum" with "again" or "on the other hand" to remember its meaning and usage in sentences.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: wiederholen (to repeat), wiederkehren (to return), wiederholung (repetition).