
Meaning and Usage

Hügel in German means "hill" in English. It refers to a raised area of land that is higher than the surrounding area.

Linguistic Analysis

"Hügel" is a singular noun in German. It doesn't have any prefix, and its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "hugil".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "hill" in English is similar to "Hügel" in German both in meaning and pronunciation.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "Hügel" is a common geographical feature, and it might also be used figuratively to mean a small obstacle or challenge.

Example Sentences

  1. Der grüne Hügel ist mit Blumen bedeckt. (The green hill is covered with flowers.)
  2. Sie spazierten den Hügel hinauf, um die Aussicht zu genießen. (They walked up the hill to enjoy the view.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Hügel" with the English word "hill" and imagine a green hill covered with daisies to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Berg (mountain)
  • das Tal (valley)
  • die Ebene (plain)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: masculine Plural: die Hügel

Conjugation (for verbs)