
Meaning and Usage

"Verwendung" translates to "use" or "application" in German, often referring to the utilization or purpose of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Verwendung" is a noun in German.

Comparisons between German and English

"Verwendung" corresponds to the English word "use" or "application" in its meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

The term "Verwendung" holds cultural significance by highlighting the value of resourcefulness, functionality, and adaptability in German society, particularly in fields such as technology, design, and craftsmanship.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Verwendung von Plastik reduzieren. (Reduce the use of plastic.)
  2. Diese Software hat viele Verwendungen. (This software has many applications.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Verwendung" with the English word "use" to strengthen the memory of its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

Synonyms: Nutzen (benefit), Anwendung (application)