
Meaning and Usage

"Einreiben" means to rub in or to apply by rubbing, especially in the context of applying ointments, lotions, or other substances onto the skin or a surface.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "einreiben" is a compound verb in German, consisting of the prefix "ein-" (meaning in or into) and the verb "reiben" (to rub). The prefix "ein-" indicates the direction or result of the action.

Comparisons between German and English

The verb "einreiben" in German corresponds to the English expression "to rub in" or "to apply by rubbing."

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "einreiben" can be often associated with traditional remedies, such as applying medicinal ointments or herbal preparations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe mir heute Morgen eine beruhigende Salbe in die Haut eingerieben. (This morning, I rubbed a soothing ointment into my skin.)
  2. Bitte reib die Creme gut ein, damit sie gut einwirken kann. (Please rub the cream in well so that it can take effect.)

Memory Tips

Associate the prefix "ein-" with the idea of "in or into" and "reiben" with "rub." Visualize the action of rubbing something into the skin to help remember the meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Creme (feminine, plural: die Cremes) - cream
  • Das Öl (neuter, plural: die Öle) - oil
  • Die Salbe (feminine, plural: die Salben) - ointment

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich reibe ein (I rub in)
  • Du reibst ein (You rub in)
  • Er/Sie/Es reibt ein (He/She/It rubs in)
  • Wir reiben ein (We rub in)
  • Ihr reibt ein (You rub in - pl.)
  • Sie reiben ein (They rub in)