der Kühlschrank

Meaning and Usage

"Der Kühlschrank" in German refers to a refrigerator or fridge, a common household appliance used for preserving and cooling food and drinks.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Kühlschrank" is a compound noun in German, formed by combining the words "kühlen" (to cool) and "Schrank" (cabinet or cupboard).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Kühlschrank" in German is similar to its English counterpart "refrigerator," although the literal translation of "Kühlschrank" would be "cool cupboard."

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the "Kühlschrank" is an essential appliance in most households, especially for the storage of perishable items and maintaining a cool temperature during warmer months.

Example Sentences

  • Der Kühlschrank ist voll mit Lebensmitteln. (The fridge is full of food.)
  • Stell bitte die Milch wieder in den Kühlschrank. (Please put the milk back in the fridge.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Kühlschrank" with "cool cupboard" to remember its meaning as a refrigerator.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Kühlung (cooling)
  • Der Gefrierschrank (freezer)
  • Die Frischhaltebox (food storage container)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: masculine Plural: die Kühlschränke

Conjugation (for verbs)