
Meaning and Usage

"Fernsehen" means "to watch television" or "television" in German. It is used to describe the act of watching TV or can refer to the medium itself.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "fernsehen" is a compound word comprised of "Fern" (distant) and "sehen" (to see). Therefore, "fernsehen" literally translates to "far-seeing" or "to see from a distance." It is a verb and can also be used as a noun.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "fernsehen" has a similar meaning to the English "to watch television" or "television." The structure of the word, as a compound word, is also similar to how compound words are formed in English.

Cultural Context

Television is an important part of German culture, and "fernsehen" is a common activity for many people in Germany, especially during popular shows or events.

Example Sentences

  • Ich sehe gerne fern. (I enjoy watching TV.)
  • Gestern habe ich den ganzen Abend ferngesehen. (Yesterday, I watched TV all evening.)

Memory Tips

Associate "fernsehen" with watching TV from a distance, as the word itself suggests. You can visualize yourself watching TV from afar to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Fernsehprogramm (television program)
  • der Fernseher (television set)
  • der Fernsehsender (television channel)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (Fernsehen is a verb and can also be used as a noun in German.)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich sehe fern (I watch TV)
  • du siehst fern (you watch TV)
  • er/sie/es sieht fern (he/she/it watches TV)
  • wir sehen fern (we watch TV)
  • ihr seht fern (you all watch TV)
  • sie sehen fern (they watch TV)