
Meaning and Usage

"Senden" in German means "to send" in English. It is used to express the action of transmitting or dispatching something, such as a message, package, or signal.

Linguistic Analysis

"Senden" is a verb in its infinitive form. It does not contain any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "sendan" and the Proto-Germanic "sandijan."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "senden" and the English word "to send" are similar in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In the digital age, "senden" is commonly used in the context of electronic communication, such as sending emails, text messages, or files.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich werde dir eine E-Mail senden. (I will send you an email.)
  2. Sie hat das Paket gestern verschickt. (She sent the package yesterday.)

Memory Tips

Associate the German word "senden" with the English word "send" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Nachricht (feminine, plural: die Nachrichten) - message
  • die Übertragung (feminine, plural: die Übertragungen) - transmission
  • empfangen - to receive

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich sende (I send)
  • du sendest (you send)
  • er/sie/es sendet (he/she/it sends)
  • wir senden (we send)
  • ihr sendet (you send)
  • sie senden (they send)