
Meaning and Usage

"Bekam" is the past tense form of the German verb "bekommen," which means "to receive" or "to get" in English. It is used to indicate the past reception of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Bekam" is the simple past (Präteritum) form of the verb "bekommen." The verb "bekommen" can be further analyzed as "be-" (a verbal prefix) + "kommen" (the root verb). The prefix "be-" can indicate the completion or result of an action. The root "kommen" means "to come," and when combined with the prefix "be-," it forms the meaning of "to receive" or "to get."

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "bekam" is "received" or "got," as both verbs share similar meanings and are used in the past tense to indicate the action of receiving or obtaining something.

Cultural Context

There are no specific cultural connotations associated with the word "bekam."

Example Sentences

  1. Sie bekam gestern ein Geschenk. (She received a gift yesterday.)
  2. Ich bekam eine Einladung zur Party. (I got an invitation to the party.)

Memory Tips

Associate "bekam" with the English words "received" or "got" to remember its meaning as the past tense form of "bekommen."

Additional Vocabulary

  • bekommen (infinitive: to receive/get)
  • erhalten (to receive)
  • empfangen (to receive)
  • erhalten (to obtain/receive)
  • kriegen (colloquial: to get)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As "bekam" is a verb, it does not have gender or plural forms.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich bekam (I received/got)
  • Du bekamst (You received/got)
  • Er/Sie/Es bekam (He/She/It received/got)
  • Wir bekamen (We received/got)
  • Ihr bekamt (You received/got) [informal plural]
  • Sie bekamen (They received/got)