
Meaning and Usage

"Begeistern" in German means "to inspire" or "to excite." It is often used to express enthusiasm or to describe something that captivates or impresses someone.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "begeistern" is a verb and is derived from the prefix "be-" (indicating a thorough or intensive action) and the root "geistern" (related to the word "Geist" meaning "spirit" or "mind"). The combination of the prefix and the root conveys the idea of intensely captivating someone's spirit or mind.

Comparisons between German and English

The English counterpart for "begeistern" is "to inspire" or "to excite."

Cultural Context

In German culture, expressing enthusiasm and being genuinely excited about something is valued. "Begeistern" is often used to convey genuine admiration or excitement towards an idea, project, or performance.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Vorstellung hat mich wirklich begeistert.
  2. Seine Rede hat die Zuschauer begeistert.
  3. Ich bin von deinen Zeichnungen begeistert.

Memory Tips

Associate "begeistern" with the idea of "captivating the spirit or mind intensely."

Additional Vocabulary

  • begeisternd (adjective) - inspiring / exciting
  • die Begeisterung (noun) - the enthusiasm / the excitement

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich begeistere (I inspire)
  • du begeisterst (you inspire)
  • er/sie/es begeistert (he/she/it inspires)
  • wir begeistern (we inspire)
  • ihr begeistert (you inspire)
  • sie begeistern (they inspire)