das Ausland

Meaning and Usage

Das Ausland translates to "abroad" or "foreign countries" in English and refers to any country or region outside of one's own country. It is commonly used when discussing international travel, foreign policies, or interactions with people from other countries.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "das Ausland" is a compound noun in German, formed by the combination of the prefix "aus-" meaning "out" or "outside" and the noun "Land" which means "country." Therefore, "das Ausland" literally translates to "out-country" or "foreign country."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "das Ausland" has a direct counterpart in English, "abroad," which is used in similar contexts to refer to foreign countries. Both words are used to describe being in or going to a foreign country.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, discussions about the Ausland may come up particularly in the context of travel experiences, international politics, or news about events happening in other countries.

Example Sentences

  • Ich reise gerne ins Ausland, um neue Kulturen kennenzulernen. (I enjoy traveling abroad to learn about new cultures.)
  • Meine Familie lebt im Ausland. (My family lives abroad.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "das Ausland," associate it with the idea of going "out" of your own "country."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Fremde (the foreign country)
  • Das Auslandsgeschäft (the foreign business)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Das Ausland is a neuter noun. Its plural form is "die Ausländer."

Conjugation (for verbs)