
Meaning and Usage

"Sache" translates to "thing," "matter," or "issue" in English. It is used to refer to objects, abstract concepts, or specific matters and affairs.

Linguistic Analysis

"Sache" is a feminine noun with a broad meaning, encompassing physical objects, abstract concepts, legal matters, and practical affairs.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Sache" can be translated to "thing" or "matter" in English, but it has a broader scope, including legal and practical affairs.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Sache" is often used to convey the importance of a matter or issue and can be seen in legal contexts, personal discussions, and everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. Das ist meine Sache, nicht deine. (This is my matter, not yours.)
  2. Er hat eine gute Sache gemeint. (He meant well.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Sache" with the idea of a "matter" or "thing" to remember its broad usage and meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: das Ding (the thing), das Problem (the problem), die Gelegenheit (the opportunity), das Anliegen (the concern)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: Feminine Plural: die Sachen

Conjugation (for verbs)