
Meaning and Usage

Milch translates to "milk" in English. It refers to the white liquid produced by female mammals to feed their offspring and is also used as a beverage or in cooking.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Milch" originates from the Old High German "miluh" and is related to the Latin word "lac" (milk). It is a singular noun and does not have a prefix or suffix.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Milch" is similar to its English counterpart "milk" in both meaning and pronunciation.

Cultural Context

Milk has been a staple in the German diet for centuries and is used in various traditional German dishes, such as Milchreis (rice pudding) and Käsespätzle (cheese noodles).

Example Sentences

  1. Ich trinke gerne Milch zum Frühstück. (I like to drink milk for breakfast.)
  2. Die Katze trinkt ihre Milch. (The cat drinks her milk.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Milch" with the English word "milk" to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Kuhmilch (cow's milk)
  • die Ziegenmilch (goat's milk)
  • das Milchprodukt (dairy product)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine
Plural: die Milchen (rarely used; the plural form "Milche" is used instead)

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "Milch" is a noun, it doesn't have a conjugation.