
Meaning and Usage

"Feiern" in German means "to celebrate" or "to party." It is used to indicate the act of commemorating an event or occasion with festivities or to have a joyful gathering.

Linguistic Analysis

"Feiern" is a verb in its infinitive form. It does not contain any prefix or suffix. Its etymology is rooted in the Old High German word "fēiern," which means to keep a festival.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "feiern" directly translates to the English verb "to celebrate." Both words share the same core meaning and usage, making them quite similar.

Cultural Context

In German culture, celebrations, or "Feiern," are a significant part of social life, ranging from traditional festivities such as Oktoberfest to personal milestones like birthdays and weddings.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir werden meinen Geburtstag am Samstag feiern. (We will celebrate my birthday on Saturday.)
  2. Sie feiern ihren Abschluss mit einer großen Party. (They are celebrating their graduation with a big party.)

Memory Tips

Associate "feiern" with the idea of "celebrating" by connecting it to joyful events and festivities.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Party (the party)
  • das Fest (the celebration/festival)
  • jubeln (to rejoice)
  • der Jubel (the jubilation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich feiere (I celebrate)
  • du feierst (you celebrate)
  • er/sie/es feiert (he/she/it celebrates)
  • wir feiern (we celebrate)
  • ihr feiert (you all celebrate)
  • sie feiern (they celebrate)