
Meaning and Usage

"allerdings" is a conjunction that is used to express a concession or contrast. It can be translated as "however," "nevertheless," or "though" in English. It is often used to introduce a contrasting or limiting statement.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "allerdings" consists of the prefix "aller-" and the suffix "-dings." The prefix "aller-" has an uncertain origin, but it is used to express a sense of totality. The suffix "-dings" doesn't have a specific meaning in modern German but adds emphasis to the word. The combined word "allerdings" evolved to convey the meaning of "however."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "allerdings" is similar to the English word "however" in the sense that both are used to introduce contrasting or limiting statements. However, the usage and placement of "allerdings" may vary slightly compared to "however" in English.

Cultural Context

In German, "allerdings" is commonly used in both written and spoken language to express contrasting or limiting information. It is an important word for conveying nuances in conversation or writing.

Example Sentences

  • Ich wollte joggen gehen, allerdings hat es angefangen zu regnen. (I wanted to go jogging, however, it started to rain.)
  • Die Veranstaltung war gut organisiert, allerdings fehlte es an Teilnehmern. (The event was well organized, though there was a lack of participants.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "allerdings," think of it as a word that introduces a "totality of contrast" in a sentence, signaling a shift in the information presented.

Additional Vocabulary

  • dennoch (nevertheless)
  • jedoch (however)
  • trotzdem (in spite of that)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)