
Meaning and Usage

"Drucken" in German means "to print" or "to press". It is commonly used when referring to printing documents, images, or pressing a button.

Linguistic Analysis

"Drucken" is an infinitive form of the verb. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation patterns of regular verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "drucken" has a similar meaning to the English word "to print" or "to press". However, it is important to note that "to press" can also be translated as "pressen" in German.

Cultural Context

In the context of technology and everyday life, "drucken" is commonly used when referring to printing documents or pressing buttons.

Example Sentences

  • Ich muss diese Datei drucken. (I need to print this file.)
  • Bitte drücken Sie die rote Taste. (Please press the red button.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "drucken", associate it with the printing process, as it sounds similar to the English word "print".

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Druckerei (the printing house)
  • der Drucker (the printer)
  • gedruckt (printed)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich drucke (I print)
  • du druckst (you print)
  • er/sie/es druckt (he/she/it prints)
  • wir drucken (we print)
  • ihr druckt (you [all] print)
  • sie/Sie drucken (they/you [formal] print)