
Meaning and Usage

"Wird" is the present tense form of the auxiliary verb "werden" in German. It is used to form the future tense as well as the passive voice in combination with the past participle of the main verb. It can also be used as an auxiliary verb to form the conditional tense.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "wird" is the third person singular form of the present tense of the verb "werden." The root of the verb is "werd-" and the suffix "-d" indicates the third person singular form. The verb "werden" comes from the Old High German "werdan," which means "to become" or "to be."

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "wird" can be translated as "will" in future tense constructions and "is/was being" in passive voice constructions.

Cultural Context

In German, the use of the future tense is relatively common in everyday speech, so "wird" is a frequently used word in conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Er wird morgen kommen. (He will come tomorrow.)
  2. Das Buch wird von vielen Leuten gelesen. (The book is being read by many people.)
  3. Wenn ich Zeit hätte, würde ich mitkommen. (If I had time, I would come along.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wird" with the English word "will" to remember its usage in forming the future tense.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Werden (infinitive) - to become/to be
  • Wird (sich) freuen - to be pleased (literally, "will be pleased")
  • Würde - would (conditional tense)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich werde (I will)
  • du wirst (you will)
  • er/sie/es wird (he/she/it will)
  • wir werden (we will)
  • ihr werdet (you will)
  • sie werden (they will)