
Meaning and Usage

"Riesig" in German translates to "huge" or "enormous" in English. It is used to describe something of great size or extent.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "riesig" is an adjective. It doesn't have any prefixes or suffixes. Its origin can be traced back to the Germanic word "risig," which means "big" or "giant."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "riesig" has a direct translation in English as "huge" or "enormous."

Cultural Context

The use of "riesig" is common in describing large objects, spaces, or even abstract concepts. It is frequently used in everyday conversation and written texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Die riesige Kathedrale beeindruckte die Besucher.
  2. Sie hat eine riesige Sammlung von Briefmarken.

Memory Tips

Associate "riesig" with "Riesen" (giants) to remember that it means "huge" or "enormous."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: enorm, gigantisch, gewaltig
  • Antonyms: winzig, klein, bescheiden

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As an adjective, "riesig" does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)