der Bahnsteig

Meaning and Usage

Der Bahnsteig translates to "platform" in English. It refers to the raised structure alongside railway tracks where passengers wait for, board, or alight from trains.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Bahnsteig" is a compound noun formed by the combination of "Bahn" (railway) and "Steig" (climb or ascent).

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "platform" is similar in meaning and usage to the German "Bahnsteig."

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the Bahnsteig plays a crucial role in the transportation system, especially in train travel, as it is the designated area for passenger boarding and disembarking.

Example Sentences

  • Die Passagiere warten auf dem Bahnsteig. (The passengers are waiting on the platform.)
  • Der Zug fährt vom Bahnsteig 3 ab. (The train departs from platform 3.)

Memory Tips

To remember "Bahnsteig," think of it as the "Bahn's climb" or "Bahn's ascent," indicating the elevated structure next to the railway tracks.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Das Gleis (the track)
  • Der Zug (the train)
  • Die Abfahrt (the departure)

Gender and Plural

Gender: masculine (der) Plural: die Bahnsteige


Not applicable, as "Bahnsteig" is a noun.