
Meaning and Usage

"Richtig" in German translates to "right" or "correct" in English. It is often used to indicate correctness, accuracy, or being in the right way.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "richtig" is an adverb in German, derived from the adjective "recht" (right) with the suffix "-ig" added to form the adverb.

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "right" can have multiple meanings in German. "Richtig" primarily refers to correctness, whereas "right" can also mean "rechts" in the directional sense.

Cultural Context

In German culture, being "richtig" can be important in various contexts, such as following rules and regulations, doing things in the correct manner, and being accurate and precise.

Example Sentences

  1. Das ist die richtige Antwort. (That is the correct answer.)
  2. Bitte fülle das Formular richtig aus. (Please fill out the form correctly.)
  3. Er hat die Aufgabe richtig gelöst. (He solved the task correctly.)

Memory Tips

Associate "richtig" with being "right" or "correct" in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: korrekt (correct), genau (exact)
  • Antonyms: falsch (wrong), inkorrekt (incorrect)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)