der Kindergarten

Meaning and Usage

"Der Kindergarten" in German refers to a preschool or kindergarten, where young children, usually between the ages of three and six, attend before entering primary school.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Kindergarten" is a compound word in German, composed of "Kind" which means "child" and "Garten" which means "garden." Together, it directly translates to "child garden."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Kindergarten" has been borrowed from German into English, and its meaning remains the same in both languages.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "der Kindergarten" plays an important role in the educational system and children's social development. It provides early childhood education and care, often with a play-based approach to learning.

Example Sentences

  • Mein Sohn geht in den Kindergarten. (My son goes to kindergarten.)
  • In Deutschland ist der Besuch des Kindergartens für Kinder ab drei Jahren üblich. (In Germany, attending kindergarten is common for children from the age of three.)

Memory Tips

You can associate the word "Kindergarten" with children playing and learning in a garden-like environment.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Vorschule (preschool)
  • die Kita (short for "Kindertagesstätte," meaning daycare center)
  • die Schule (school)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

This is a masculine noun:

  • Singular: der Kindergarten
  • Plural: die Kindergärten

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable.