
Meaning and Usage

"Ruhig" translates to "calm" or "quiet" in English. It is used to describe a peaceful and tranquil state, either in terms of the environment or a person's demeanor. It can also imply a sense of serenity or composure.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "ruhig" does not have a clear prefix or suffix. It is derived from the Middle High German word "riuwic," which ultimately comes from the Proto-Germanic "rowīgaz."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "ruhig" is similar to the English term "quiet" in meaning, but it can also convey a sense of calmness and peace, which expands its usage compared to the English counterpart.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "ruhig" is highly valued, especially in interpersonal interactions and public spaces. It emphasizes the need for a quiet and peaceful environment to promote reflection and composure.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie ist immer ruhig, auch in stressigen Situationen. (She is always calm, even in stressful situations.)
  2. Bitte sei ruhig, ich versuche mich zu konzentrieren. (Please be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate.)

Memory Tips

Associate "ruhig" with a tranquil and calm environment to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: gelassen (composed), still (still), friedlich (peaceful)
  • Antonyms: laut (loud), hektisch (hectic), unruhig (restless)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: N/A Plural: N/A

Conjugation (for verbs)