
Meaning and Usage

"Der" is used as the definite article for masculine nouns in the nominative case, as well as in the accusative and genitive cases. It helps to indicate the specific nature of the noun it precedes.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der" is the definite article for masculine nouns in the nominative case. It does not have a specific etymology, as it is a basic part of the German language, indicating definiteness and gender.

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "the" serves the same purpose as "der" in German, indicating that a noun is definite. However, in German, the definite article changes depending on the case and gender of the noun.

Cultural Context

The use of definite articles is fundamental in German grammar. Understanding the gender and case of nouns is crucial for using the correct definite article.

Example Sentences

  • Ich sehe der Mann. (I see the man.)
  • Er gibt der Frau einen Blumenstrauß. (He gives the woman a bouquet of flowers.)
  • Das Auto der Nachbarin ist sehr teuer. (The neighbor's car is very expensive.)

Memory Tips

Associate "der" with masculine nouns and think of it as "the" in English.

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Der" is the definite article for masculine nouns. The plural form is "die" for masculine and feminine nouns in the nominative case, and "den" for masculine and neuter nouns in the accusative case.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "der" is not a verb, it does not have a conjugation.