
Meaning and Usage

"Groß" means "big" or "large" in English. It is used to describe the physical size or extent of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Groß" is an adjective and has its roots in the Old High German word "gros."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "groß" is similar to the English word "big" in both meaning and usage.

Example Sentences

  • Das ist ein großes Auto. (That is a big car.)
  • Er hat einen großen Garten. (He has a large garden.)

Memory Tips

Think of "groß" as "big" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: kleiner (smaller), die Größe (size), vergrößern (to enlarge)

Gender and Plural:

  • Gender: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter
  • No change in plural form: die großen (masculine and neuter), die große (feminine)