
Meaning and Usage

"Tragen" in German means "to carry" or "to wear." It is commonly used to express the action of carrying something or wearing clothes or accessories.

Linguistic Analysis

"Tragen" is an infinitive verb. It doesn't contain any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "tragan," which has the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "tragen" directly corresponds to the English verbs "to carry" and "to wear."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "tragen" is often used in the context of fashion, especially regarding how one carries or wears certain styles or trends.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich trage eine schöne Kette. (I'm wearing a beautiful necklace.)
  2. Kannst du die Einkaufstüten tragen? (Can you carry the shopping bags?)
  3. Die Last wird schwer zu tragen sein. (The burden will be heavy to carry.)

Memory Tips

Associate "tragen" with the idea of "carrying" something, whether it's physical objects or wearing clothes, to help remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • tragebar (wearable)
  • trageschlaufe (carrying strap)
  • tragtuch (sling, wrap for carrying a baby)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich trage (I carry/wear)
  • du trägst (you carry/wear)
  • er/sie/es trägt (he/she/it carries/wears)
  • wir tragen (we carry/wear)
  • ihr tragt (you [plural] carry/wear)
  • sie tragen (they carry/wear)