
Meaning and Usage

"Empfehlen" means "to recommend" or "to suggest" in English. It is used when advising or suggesting something to someone else, typically in a formal or polite context.

Linguistic Analysis

"Empfehlen" is a verb. It belongs to the class of regular strong verbs and is derived from the Old High German word "empfelin".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "empfehlen" in German has a direct English counterpart, "to recommend," and both words are used in similar contexts.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, politeness and formalities are highly valued. Therefore, "empfehlen" is commonly used in professional or customer service contexts when suggesting or recommending products or services.

Example Sentences

  • Ich empfehle dieses Buch. (I recommend this book.)
  • Kannst du mir ein gutes Restaurant empfehlen? (Can you recommend a good restaurant to me?)

Memory Tips

Associate "empfehlen" with the English word "recommend." Additionally, you can create a mnemonic by connecting "empfehlen" with the idea of "emphasizing the feeling" of recommendation.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Empfehlung (noun) - recommendation
  • empfehlenswert (adjective) - recommendable
  • raten (verb) - to advise

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich empfehle (I recommend)
  • du empfiehlst (you recommend)
  • er/sie/es empfiehlt (he/she/it recommends)
  • wir empfehlen (we recommend)
  • ihr empfehlt (you all recommend)
  • sie empfehlen (they recommend)