der Hausmann

Meaning and Usage

Der Hausmann translates to "househusband" in English. It refers to a man who stays at home to take care of the household and family, while his partner works outside the home.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Hausmann" consists of two parts: "Haus" meaning "house" and "mann" meaning "man." It is a compound noun formed by combining these two elements.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Hausmann" is similar to the English term "househusband" in both meaning and structure, as it combines "house" and "man" to convey the idea of a man who manages the household.

Cultural Context

The concept of the Hausmann reflects a modern approach to gender roles and family dynamics, where men take on the primary responsibility of managing the household and caring for the children.

Example Sentences

  • Der Hausmann kümmert sich um die Kinder, während seine Frau arbeitet. (The househusband takes care of the children while his wife works.)
  • Immer mehr Männer entscheiden sich, Hausmann zu sein. (More and more men are choosing to be househusbands.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Hausmann" with the English term "househusband" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Hausfrau (housewife)
  • die Familie (family)
  • die Kinder (children)
  • die Gleichberechtigung (equality)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

The noun "Hausmann" is masculine. Its plural form is "die Hausmänner."

Conjugation (for verbs)